Friday, September 05, 2014

Superman dress

It has been almost a full month since my last post. I have been hard at work getting some new items ready for sale in my Etsy shop. I am using my refashioning skills to make cool dresses for girls who like things that clothing manufacturers think only boys should like. For example, I know a girl who loves Superman and Supergirl, but not all the pink and purple colors Supergirl clothes come in. To make her dress, I started out with this boys' Superman shirt and a men's red shirt.

I chopped the hem off the boys' shirt so the length was one inch more than I needed. I cut the top off the men's shirt to give me enough length for the skirt of a girl's size 6, plus an extra two inches. I gathered the skirt, turned it and the shirt inside out, and pinned the skirt to the inside of the shirt with one inch of overlap, then I stitched it down with a zigzag stitch.

I turned it right side out and folded down the overlap, so that the blue shirt hung over the skirt. I stitched it down 3/4 of an inch from the edge of the blue shirt using a stretch stitch. Then I did another row of stitches 1/4 inch from the first one to mimic the hem of a regular t-shirt.

Here's how it looked from the inside - no raw edges! I decided it needed red sleeves, so I cut some armholes.

I used a sleeve template to cut two sleeves from the red shirt, maintaining the original sleeve hem.

Once the sleeves were sewed in place, this is how it looked. 

I am pretty excited about this project and the other ones in my Etsy shop. Check them out if you get a chance. Or make your own dress for a cool girl who likes superheroes and comic books!

Thanks for reading! -Amy


Saga said...

So cute and awesome. I would have loved that as a child. I liked dresses, but not pink and frills and tulle.

Toronto Theatre said...

Omg that is sooo cute! 'Super' awesome ;)

Andrea said...

So cute! Great job on this one :)
Andrea EOD

Unknown said...

Fabulous. Gonna send it on to my sister. She makes these amazing dresses for my daughter too.