When you can sew you can pick up faulty clothing at discount prices. This top was originally a dress with a broken zip that needed replacing. Also I couldn't see myself wearing a prom style dress so I made it into a top I can pair with jeans & cardigan or a skirt & blazer.

This is their top. I like the dressy one better!
I also made a little purse as they're really quick to make and nice penpal gifts (reusable packaging).
Some of my other sewing this year
Such a pretty top. I love the fabric and the styling.
Cindy - EOD
Upcycled Design Lab
Beautiful colours!
Oh yeaaaa; turned out b-e-a-utiful - you made the 'cookie' crumbling-tasty !
Just hope with not 'almighty effort' ;-)
LG, Gerlinde
Thank you :D a little bit retro but not OTT!
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