So with out further delay, there is mine and mu hubbies Halloween Refashions!
We decided to go as Fred and Wilma Flintsone! I've been trying to make it a point of dressing up as characters who have red hair so I can use my natural hair and not a wig. It's actually a fun challenge!
For Fred Flintsone:

I purchased 2 XXL white polos from the Salvation Army.
I used a box of Tangerine Rite dye and used the washing machine directions.

Being the caveman that Fred Flintsone is I needed to make my husband a manly tunic. I cut off the top of 1 polo.

I then sewed both polos together.

I cut triangles out from the bottom on the tunic to give it a primitive effect. I also did the same to the sleeves.

I believe Fred's tunic was supposedly made from a sabertooth tiger's pelt. I cut out the sabertooth spots from black felt.

I planned on using fabric glue to attach the felt spots to the tunic. When gluing fabric together I always wrap my cutting mat in wax paper so that the other side of the fabric doesn't get glued together by mistake!

I used Fabric Fusion to glue the spots to the tunic! I paired this tunic with a blue tie I found at the thrift store as well!
For Wilma Flintstone:

I try my best to make my costumes as close to the actual characters. If you've seen any premade Wilma costumes they are just a long straight white tunic. Now if you notice Wilma in the cartoon you would see that her dress has a bubble bottom.
I found this perfect skater skirt at the thrift store! Only problem was that it had a black waistband.

I cut triangles out from the bottom of my skirt. Again, to make it look more primitive.

For my top I used this white long sleeved shirt.

Then cut the shirt on a diagonal to make it a one shoulder top.

I used the fabric from the sleeve I removed to sew over top of the black waistband.

Now you can't be Wilma without a big rock necklace! I drilled holes in Styrofoam balls and linked them together with white ribbon.
Annnnnd Ta Da!!!

Fred and Wilma Flintstone :)

Happy Refashioning!!!!
Check out my stash of refashions on my blog:
so funny ! a very beautiful couple.
Wow, you did a great job! Love that last picture :)
So cute!!! You guys look great!
Super cute costumes. Love the theme.
Cindy - EOD
Upcycled Design Lab
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