Thursday, June 22, 2017

Thrifted skirt to top πŸ‘˜


A basic blouse πŸ‘˜ is a must have in every wardrobe, that's why I want to show you this little tutorial πŸ”– on  how to make a super easy blouse which will be not only good looking πŸ‘± but also extremely comfortable. 

Skirt Before :
My fabric before πŸ‘‰ big skirt with lovely pattern in beautifuwarm colors , it's 100 % viscose so I will be able to wear it also during summer β˜€

  during work πŸ‘Š

here πŸ‘‡ you can see how ready blouse πŸ‘• looks like on human being , it's very comfortable β•
the fabric is 100 % viscose so I can wear it even during hot summer , 
I think I will make  2 βœŒ more of those but this time I'll use silk and make different necklines


 Love β€,


I Can Work With That said...

So pretty, and clever too.

Therese said...

Very nice makeover, looks lovely on you!

eimear said...

lovely - really pretty t!

Anielskaaniela said...

thank you all <33333