Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Putting ruffles to better use

Here's a project I finished last summer but didn't get around to blogging until right now. Admittedly, ruffly off-the-shoulder blouses were more trendy back then, but they still have enough relevance to squeeze a little more use out of, I hope!


I started with this very ruffly tank top. Ruffles have never really been my thing, so I felt it would be a good move to replace the ruffles running down the front with some off-the-shoulder straps instead.


I moved the ruffles accordingly, and also put a little subtle ruching in the front to spruce up the seam where the ruffles used to be. The finished product looks like this:

I had a good time showing off my "bear" shoulders at Black Bear Bistro!

To learn more about the process, check out my original blog post.

Cheers, everyone!

--The Unfashionista

1 comment:

I Can Work With That said...

This is a great refashion! It looks so good off the shoulder with the little narrow straps too. And the front is very flattering. I love it all. And the bear too.