Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Lilly and the Pink Dress

Hello Refashion Co-op. I found some wild Lilly Pulitzer pants at a clothes swap. I wanted to make a pink top to go with them.

I had this pink J.Crew dress to work with. Unfortunately the elastic was going brittle and it had a big ink spot on the front. The neck was really warped and I couldn't iron it out. I had to use the parts that were not damaged and I fought with it quite a bit.
 Wearing a plain white t-shirt started to sound like a good idea.

I used the skirt and the part of the top you see outlined in gray.

 I ended up with an off-the-shoulder top and a lot of scrap pieces from trying different ideas and having them not work at all.

 The pants were easy to resize after the battle with the dress and the length was right already. 

Thanks for reading along, for more pictures and details go to I Can Work With That.


Mel-Bee said...

This is an adorable outfit! Lily Pulitzer pants at a swap? Wow! Great work fitting them. They are so flattering. And that top you made is the perfect style for such classy pants!

Valerie said...

Ooooh, super cute!

Maria said...

The refashioned proportions are spot on. Good job!

TheRefashStash said...

What a cute summer outfit! I love it! Great job!!!


I Can Work With That said...

Thanks for the comments!