Monday, August 24, 2020

Copycat Plaid Skirt (and More)


When I saw this skirt on Instagram last week I KNEW that I had to have it!  It was $98 plus shipped!  I knew that I could make a LOT of cloths for $98 so I decided to see if I could make it for less than $10.  In the end it cost me about $4 in materials.

I wasn’t sure how many old shirts I’d need so I bought 8 from Goodwill.  My plaid purchase included shirts and old lounge pants in red, grey and black.

It was pretty easy to make a quilt from the shirts and sew a simple skirt.  The original version had too much fabric to be comfortable for me.

With a bit of tailoring, I made the skirt less blousy and added a pocket.

After the skirt was complete I found that I had a LOT of scraps left.  Here are the projects that I made from the scraps:

Not to shabby for an $8 investment!!!

For more details you can check out my blog:

One Brown Mom


Maria said...

I like your creations better than the originals. Did you add linings to any of the skirts, though? Thanks.

Kathy W. - One Brown Mom said...

I sewed down nearly all of the interior seams, but I did not line the skirts.