Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Corona Formalwear

 Hello Refashion Co-op. How are you? I had been saving this fancy pink dress for a fancy anniversary dinner. Covid-19 changed those plans. So what could I do with this fancy dress?

I made a huge change in the length of the dress. I thought shorter would be more casual.


I did not "hem" it. I melted it! I used the base of the flame to carefully melt the edge of the nylon fabric. It made the skirt lighter than a traditional hem. I tested the fabric first to see if it would burst into flames. I had fire extinguisher and also had  good ventilation. It wasn't a "safe" or "proper" way to alter a piece of clothing. 

If you ever try this I am not responsible for any fires and/or destruction you cause.

 I wore the dress with a simple white t-shirt and sneakers to make it more casual. I got Hawaiian shave ice. It was delicious!


Thanks for reading along, for more pictures and details go to  I Can Work With That.


Valerie said...

Good idea to "hem" your synthetic dress by melting the edges. I've tried that on polyester arm holes, but it ended up rough and scratchy. Did that happen to you?

I Can Work With That said...

Thanks for the question. It might have felt scratchy but it was such a full skirt with a lining I never felt it. I can see how that would be awful under your arms. Ouch!

Anielskaaniela said...

that's a cool refashion ! I had same question as Valerie , good you have lining :-)

Unknown said...

Je viens de découvrir ce site. Quelle superbe surprise!
J'ai regardé chaque transformation. Wow! En plus,
vous travaillez vite! Je suis impressionnée quand
je regarde les dates.
Et je trouve que vous souliers sont jolis.
Merci de partager tout cela.
Je ne parle pas anglais, mais je le lis.


TheRefashStash said...

Too cute! I absolutely love this!
