Saturday, August 01, 2020

Shop my Closet for Jeans

#31-54  Shop my closet for jeans.

Four years ago, I self-challenged myself to shop only from my closet and my sewing stash.
In four years I have bought:
·         local university t-shirts
·         4 fabric pieces to use on re-fashions.
·         12 thrifted Chico's t-shirts - 50 cents each

We can wear jeans this school year. My position is very isolated with little or no student or staff f-2-f contact. I plan to:

  • dress for utility rather than fashion. 
  • wear clothing one day before laundry.
  • remove clothing for laundry before coming into the house. 
This post shows 24 re-fashioned and mended jeans and denim shorts from my closet and stash.

The main re-sizing method is shown in the pink jeans that I posted several years ago.

After - T-shirt Waist band
After - resized
Available on-line

Work on the 24 denims included:
·         hem, remove pockets to reduce bulk, mend holes, remove brads, replace worn elastic.
·         re-cut over-sized jeans with a one-seam pattern
·         replace waist band with t-shirt band. Soft bands are easy wear in place of stiff bands, zippers, and jeans buttons. I wear most t-shirts un-tucked. I kept a few regular bands on my softer dress jeans. 

#31-54 of my Summer 2020 Back to school Re-fashions

 Waist band kept as is.

Red flannel lining was removed.
All seams were unfinished and frayed. 
Jeans were taken apart, seams serged and re-stitched.
Waist band kept as is.

I have ordered the book Mending Matters.

My oldest and butter soft jeans.
New 2nd t-shirt band after 1st wore out.
From stash t-shirt bands.
Grey band is heavier and manageable.
Flowers are thin, with spandex, and harder to manage.



Miss Blue said...

This is really cool! I might need to try and do the same with my jeans. I don't wear a lot of them because of one small problem, cutting into my tummy, pockets sitting weirdly, etc.

I Can Work With That said...

Great refashions ideas. Those tshirt waistband looks really good after all the snacking I have done. I like the "No Time For Sewing" book too. I have been feeling that way lately.