Monday, February 01, 2021

diy sweater thriftflip

how to add waterfall collar to cardigan


Do you have too big blouses or maybe sweaters in your wardrobe ? I have at least few or more... , mostly I bought them because some materials are just irresistible to me , but also too fast shopping without trying on .

 I must say it, it's huge mistake but it happens... at least to me LOL. 

And here I come with an answer how to deal with such problem, in this video I want to show you easy and fast way to downsize blouses and change them into waterfall type .


My blouse before refashion:

how to downsize sweater


  Step by step video how to  downsize too big blouse and 

change it into waterfall cardigan



 My blog


how to make waterfall collar



Amy Jo said...

Great video! Thanks for making and sharing with us!!!!
:) Amy Jo

Anielskaaniela said...

thank you Amy Jo !<3