Friday, November 11, 2022

Altering a Sweater Knit Poncho

 Hello Refashion Co-op. I love to refashion and sometimes I do not know when to stop. This sweater was such a case. I started with this big loose fitting poncho and I didn't really know when to say when. 

Before and after. And after. And after.

I felt like Luke Skywalker in this thing. It needed some changes.

I made it more narrow and used the waist tie as a belt. I should have stopped here because it looked perfect over this dress. But I didn't.
I made the neck smaller and less bulky.
Then I went down a cottage core path that didn't really turn out well. The pockets were puckered and the lace was stiff. I couldn't unpick all the stitches to remove the pockets. I tried but it was impossible. So...

I cut the sweater in the middle. I attached the waist tie to cover the cut edge and it finished the waist of the sweater nicely. I am 100% really done now. Thanks for reading along, for more pictures and details go to I Can Work With That.


circesews said...

Great save! I kinda liked the 'Skywalker' version and the version after that as well. That's vision, that is!

I Can Work With That said...

Thanks so much @circesews!