Friday, June 30, 2023

From scarf to cardigan (beach) blouse


If you're going on a holiday anytime soon and you're short on time, this super easy transformation might be interesting for you. All you need is 2 hours and a scarf that will go with your bikini and/or summer tops. The result is a cardigan blouse you can quickly throw on when you're going for ice cream on the beach or when your shoulders get sunburned on the terras.

The fabric of this scarf is a light and airy viscose and I really love the different colours and tassels. Perfect for summer! It went with a white jacket I used to have and has been hanging on the coat rack ever since. On a very hot day (too hot to do anything outside and a cooling fan by my side), I planned to transform the scarf into a top. But, as these things go... it ended up as a cardigan blouse! 

First, I cut the scarf in half lengthwise and draped it on the tailor's dummy to determine the desired length. I took the excess fabric in from the shoulder and sewed the shoulder seam.

Then I pinned the side seams and the centre front and back so I would get an idea of what the top would look like. But I didn't like it. It wasn't flattering at all! So that's when I decided to change plans and make a cardigan blouse.

I left the front pieces open and finished the edges with a double hem. Then I closed the centre back and the side seams at 22 cm from the shoulder to create armholes. 

Because of all the colours the cardigan blouse will be easy to match with different tops. And it also works well with my bathing suit (left on the photo). The tassels definitely add to the beach spirit, don't you think? It also conveniently covers up unwanted love handles... I'm not 20 anymore, you know:).
On the right you can see what the back looks like.

Happy summer everyone!

Please visit for more details and a step by step explanation in Dutch and English. Until next time!

1 comment:

I Can Work With That said...

I love this. It's casual chic and the tassels are so fun. Perfect for summer.