Friday, May 24, 2024

Dramatic Jacket

 Hello Refashion Co-op. I used 2 old refashion projects to make a new refashion project. Let me show you what I did.

Mood fabrics posted this pink jacket on Instagram. (They are great to follow for sewing inspirations and free patterns and such.) I thought the jacket was so amazing and fun. I looked at it for a while and I realized I had some pieces I could use to make this jacket for myself. Sort of. 

I started with this jacket that I refashioned last year. It was cropped like the pink jacket. 

I also had this yellow dress that I shortened and shortened last year. I found it at a thrift store and I didn't mind cutting it up for the tulle in the skirt. 

I sewed the tulle to the hem of the jacket and I added some gold trim. Because I love adding trim. 

This was so fun and it only took a little while because I had the parts on hand. Thanks for reading along, for more pictures and details go to I Can Work With That.


Maria said...

I like your version better than the inspiration piece.

I Can Work With That said...

Thank you Maria!