Sunday, June 30, 2024

Long blouse turned into modern blouse jacket


Hi everyone! A few months ago I visited a nice second hand store and fell for the dark blue, almost purple, colour of the print. I didn't like the length though. It gave me 'housekeeping' vibes and, in combination with the print, reminded me of the blouses and aprons housewives wore in the 60s and 70s to keep their clothes clean. But since I liked the colour, I decided to buy it to turn it into something more modern and more 'me'. 

When I started this refashion the thought of a blouse jacked immediately came to me. It would be fun to wear and layers are always practical in summer, especially when you easily get cold or warm, like me. 

The blouse came with an extra perk: it had pockets! And fortunately, I could keep the pockets (yay) and still cut of enough of the length. 

The next steps didn't seem like rocket science... I serged the cut edges, folded it and created a tunnel for a cord to pull through. I made the cord out of the original seam. But then, when I thought I was finished.... oops, how could I have missed it? 


As you can see, the new fastening with tunnel and cord made it impossible for the button band to close how it was supposed to! It felt like such a beginner's mistake! Well, I definitely had to fix that...

I cut just before the button band, folded back the edges with some glue and gave it a few stitches, just to be sure. Then I folded back the end of the button band and stitched. It was the easy way out, I admit, but it worked:).

Interested in more details or want to find out why I felt the need to mention Trinny (What not to wear) Woodall in my blog:)? You're welcome to visit, as always! 

1 comment:

I Can Work With That said...

Love that print and I like the shorter length too.