Monday, February 24, 2025

Small cat wallhanging with jeans


You may have noticed I like working with denim. I like it a lot. Hence the knitted jeans bath mat, jeans belt and jeans Sashiko slippers I made earlier, I'm probably forgetting one or two projects... And you probably know the impact of jeans on the environment, because of the dying process, with all the chemicals. So it always makes me feel better to reuse old jeans or scraps.

Last year I discovered denim art: with images and (sometimes giant) wallhangings made of denim. Just search for Ian Berry on the web and you'll be blown away. Anyway, I felt I needed to try this myself (a bit smaller as you can imagine...). So here it goes, my own small decorative cat wallhanging.

I used a picture of Max, he sadly died of a bacterial infection at the age of 4. It's been a couple of years but I've always loved this picture of him. Now, about the process, it's not difficult, actually. I copied the image several times and printed it to be able to cut out the pieces I needed. They served as pattern pieces and I cut out different combinations of the shapes to be able to create layes for more depth.

With the embroidered eye, Max really came to life. And a cat needs his whiskers of course, so I unpicked a few threads to give Max his whiskers. 

Hope you liked the idea as much as I do! If you want to find out more about the the process, you're welcome to visit Until next time!

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Anonymous said...

This is really cute. I actually love the idea of using this design on my jeans back pockets! Thank you for sharing.

Vermaakster said...

Thanks, great idea to make a patch for your jeans!

I Can Work With That said...

That is super cute. Love the cat.