Monday, February 24, 2025

Small cat wallhanging from jeans


You may have noticed I like working with denim. A lot... Hence the knitted jeans bath mat, jeans belt, jeans sashiko slippers, and I'm probably forgetting one or two projects... 

Last year I discovered denim art: with images and (sometimes giant) wallhangings made of denim. Just search for Ian Berry on the web and you'll be blown away. Anyway, I felt I needed to try this myself (a bit smaller as you can imagine...). So here it goes, my own small decorative cat wallhanging.

It's not a difficult process, actually. I copied the image serveral times and printed it to be able to cut out the pieces I needed. They served as pattern pieces and I cut out different combinations of the shapes to be able to create layes for more depth.

With the embroidered eye, Max really came to life. And a cat needs his whiskers of course, so I unpicked a few threads to give Max his whiskers. 

Thanks for reading along! If you want to find out more about the the process, you're welcome to visit Until next time!

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