Monday, April 04, 2011

Paper bag skirt from Pile of poop jacket

I've finally started getting my apartment in order ready for the move, just to give you an example of how much clothing I have, here's a little scene from my life: (names have not been changed to protect the innocent!)

Lacey: Wow you have a lot of fabric in your room
Jeannette: No Lacey that's all clothes
Lacey: (Raises eyebrows nervously) All of it? Ohhhh

So it's taking a long time to get fabric/clothing and general crap in to some semblance of order!

Anyway, I picked this up during my thrift store trip for the Ugly to Awesome craftster challenge, at the time I couldn't think what to make of it but it finally hit me. I hacked off the top of the jacket, folded 4 inches down and zig zag stitched two lines giving me a channel for some elastic which gave it the great scrunched up look , I changed up the buttons and wam bam thank you Mam a comfy skirt to add to my wittled down, half packed away for the move wardrobe.

Ugly before shot

Hope you like it, if so check me out, I blog here


Refashion said...

I love this skirt from jacket remake. It looks like it will be fab summer wardrobe staple.

Lovenicky said...

Fantastic skirt! Who would have guessed it was a jacket before?
My hubby is one of those crazy Canucks you were mentioning in your blog. He was wearing a short sleeves tee and shorts yesterday when it was 4 Celsius....

Samantha said...

Wow, great job. And your jacket description is hilarious.

Corina said...

More proof that even the most unflattering garment can be transformed into something great.