Friday, January 20, 2012

Cardigan Refashion + Thrift Store Tips

Since living on a tight budget, I've been learning how to change up my wardrobe without spending much. I recently discovered that our Salvation Army here occasionally does a $5 dollar bag sale at least once a month. Basically any clothing items you can fit in their plastic bags, you get for $5 (jackets and shoes are an exception)...its a sweet deal.  I finally caught them on one of their $5 sale days and scavenged for what I could find. It is a tiny SA so it lacks good selection of clothing. However I've finally learned the best ways to thrift shop for clothes. This whole outfit (minus the pants) came from that one trip to the Salvation Army. The shoes were extra but only ended up being $2!! steal!

Go here for my thrift store game plan

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