Thursday, September 17, 2015

Little alterations - big impact x 2

A dress (no, it is not an apron), that I didn't like.

I turned it back to front and rounded the neckline to make it comfortable as the new front neckline.

And now the dress IS an apron. I like that it covers up a lot. I am very messy, when I cook.

 I found this lovely leather weekender bag at a flee market for 130 Dkr (19$, 17€, 13£). It was cheap because the zipper was broken. Changing a zipper is not the easiest task, but I thought it would be worth it.

When I came home, I managed to get the zipper-closing-thing (English?) back on, and the zipper closed easily. I realised that it was just the stitches at one end, that had come undone.

I sewed across the zipper and placed a matching leather patch to both mend the tear and cover up the repair of the zipper.

I don't think it is that visible, that it is a repair.

I wonder what the original price of the bag was. And contemplate that refashion/altering/mending skills are worth much.


RanchHouse said...

I think our skills are worth the price of the garment itself. The cost of a new ready to wear apron is the value of your skills for the apron. The bag would be very high. You did a very good job on it.
Often when I have a simple fix and save a garment and save the replacement cost I wonder how non-sewers afford the cost.

jenny_o said...

I absolutely LOVE when a repair turns out not to be as big as I originally thought! What a great bag and a great save.

(And the zipper-closer-thing is just called a "zipper pull" in Canada :))

Saga said...

Ranchhouse: Thank you. I have had the same thought. Mending should still be taught in schools.

jenny_o: I agree! Or when it turns out to be a lot easier than I thought.
Thank you for 'zipper pull'. I couldn't remember its name in my own language, Danish, which meant I couldn't translate it ;-).

jennifer elliott said...

I love the improved apron! I love the stripes.

Jennifer Elliott EOD