Partly due to a lack of funds! I also am in love with creating something new from something old, I hate the idea of waste and like to try and see potential in old clothes. I like the fact that sometimes a refashion can work quickly, so it gives me a quick result in between slower sewing from scratch projects, for example,if an item already has hems or pockets to utilise, this saves a lot of sewing time. I think that even if I had more money to spend I would still be doing this.

What techniques do you use in your refashions?
More often now, I use a pattern piece as in the Nora top - the pattern used here was from Ottobre Magazine Autumn/Winter 2010. I find the Built By Wendy Sew U pattern pieces are good for using in refashioning. I enjoy taking one or two elements from a pattern and applying them to a refashion.
Charity shops, nearly new sales, summer fetes, my mum's cupboards, I gave up buying new RTW clothes at the start of 2010 and an unexpected side effect of this and my blog has been that friends have started giving me their unwanted clothes. At first I wasn't sure about this but I have had some great items this way. I also hoard my partner's old t shirts and work shirts for use. I like to see the potential in some one else's old clothing.

It is simple, and simple, versatile clothes that I can wear in my real life, not the life I would aspire to or the life I used to have, those are the clothes I am interested in making. I used a long sleeved shirt donated by a friend and one of my other half's old t shirts. I used the Nora pattern from Ottobre magazine as mentioned above to cut the yoke.
Do you recycle anything other than fashion?
I try not to buy anything new if I can help it. We use plastic tubs and bottles for gardening, seed trays, for paints. A lot of our furniture is recycled - our toy and art cupboards are rescused from a skip - they are standard school issue from the 1960s or 70s and are well made strong wooden cupboards. Quite a bit of our furniture came via Freecycle, especially stuff for the children. Things like picture frames I always look for in charity shops, then repaint.
I have two young children so we recycle cardboard, paper, plastic bottle, lids etc in craft projects. The most recent was a car seat for my daughter's baby doll. I also make paper from waste paper and plant materials.
Where can I read more about you and refashioning?
I have a blog Minnado's House where I post my refashions.
Very inspiring Debbie! Looking forward to getting to know you better. Love the cardi!
Debbie! I've been following your blog for awhile now but somehow really felt that I got a different flavor of "you" from this introductory post! Super excited to be taking on this project with you ... and I love all those refashions that you highlighted =). I am still drooling over that lace, and the yoked top is providing inspiration for a refashion for some point in the future, i just know it ...
Thanks Jennie and Jessica for the kind words. I am excited to be working with you both on this project and looking forward to getting to know you better.
I really love the lace. I make lace myself and I am dying to include it into a refashion so I am grateful for any inspiration.
Thank you so much for being part of this team, I so look forward to working with you.
Love the lace cardi! The vintage lace looks like they belong to this cardi. I do miss the Charity Shops on the High Streets. I picked up thrift shopping while living in the UK. They often have fabulous stuff! I still have clothing, accessories, furniture and decor items from Oxfam shops.
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