I took the refashion pledge at Wardrobe Refashion (WR) last autumn and loved it mightily. The community spirit amongst refashioners was so warming and I was inspired by all the refashions they shared. However, it was all too soon over. In November Nikki posted that WR was going to close down. I was gutted and I didn't want to let go!
I had a long think about it, considering whether I would like to start something similar myself. But talking it over with my husband made me realise that it would just add too much work and stress to my life at the moment with all the other projects that were going on. So I started thinking about whether there was another way of recreating something like the WR community without me having to do all the work and take all the responsibility myself. One thing that came to me in all this was that if you want to share the work load with someone you also have to be willing to share the responsibility and of course the credit and I was more than willing to do both.
So I contacted fellow refashionista Erica, who I had already been chatting to on twitter, to see if she was interested in doing something together. She was very positive towards the idea but we decided at first to go together on interviewing some of the refashionistas we had met through WR. So the idea was shelved for a little bit. I did my first interview with Zoe and Erica did hers with Jillian. While interviewing Zoe we got to talking about the idea of having a refashion blog with several editors. Zoe encouraged me to go ahead with the idea and this inspired me to write the post 'Refashionista Co-operative idea" in January. This post was mainly aimed at anyone interested in being an editor in such a co-operative and Bryony, Debbie, Erica, Jenni, Jessica and Jillian contacted me saying that they were interested.
This all happened in the middle of January and now a month later we are ready to launch the blog. The time has now come for contributors to sign up to the Refashion Co-op. Over the next couple of weeks we will be signing up contributors and figuring out the rules for contributing. They won't be strict or inhibiting as we are well aware that the contributors are what is going to make this blog great. We will ask however, that everyone behaved nicely towards each other and encourages each other with comments and likes. This is where the editors come in again. As we are 7 editors at the moment, each editor will have one day a week where they are on shift. Editors will not change or do corrections to your posts. But they will read each post and comment to make sure everyone is playing nice.
The amount of editors on Refashion Co-op is the main strength of the blog. It means that each of us has the support of the other 6 and that we shouldn't be burned out by having to keep an eye on things each and every day. There may also come a day when one of the editors decide that they need to take a break from RC. If this is the case we can easily take on new editors, since no one editor owns the blog.
Finally, I would like to add a little something about the badge. You are most welcome to use it to link to the blog, whether you are a contributor or a reader/supporter. As neither of the editors are professional graphic designers we have decided to start out with one, simple but effective badge design. We are then hoping in the long run to have a competition for a makeover of the blog and the badge. But for now we hope you will make good use of this one.

All there is left to do is to introduce the editors: Bryony, Debbie, Erica, Jenni, Jessica, Jillian and myself, Eddie. Please go to the editors page and read more about us. We each have our own blogs and write about a lot of exciting things beyond refashioning. Over the coming days you will get a chance to meet each of us as refashionistas through a series of interview style posts.
Thank you and please enjoy the Refashion Co-op!
What a great idea - I will follow this with interest and hopefully get more involved when I get a bit more free time. Great stuff!
Thank you for the comment Ms Wanda. I hope you enjoy reading the blog over the next few weeks. Feel free to contact us when you have more time to get involved.
Debbie (Editor on Duty)
Great to see you are following Wanda - would be fantastic to see some of your refashions on here. Erica.
I think this is a great idea...especially having 7 editors! I'm really looking forward to seeing everyones refashions and will start contributing soon :)
oh wonderful idea, I look forward to following you, even if I don't do a lot of knitting and sewing these days. Good Luck♥
Thanks for all the wonderful comments!
The first couple of days seem to have gone really well and I'm so happy and excited.
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