Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ideas please!

Hi all!
I am almost 24 weeks preggers and while I have bought most of my clothing thrifted or at discount stores. I want to make some things. I have bought these two cute t-shirts several sizes larger than I should ever need thinking I could make a ruffle shirt for a preggo woman. (please ignore the messy background. We are working on merging my craft room with hubby's office and everything is in boxes or piles.)
I need some help deciding what kind of ruffles will flatter the baby bump. I could do something like this:
or this:
Bib style:
Or Tuxedo/vertical ruffles:

Please help me decide! I plan to gather the bottom 4-6 inches with elastic so it will grow with my bump. But help me with my ruffle dilema! Which option will look best with a baby belly?
Bethany of MrsMulticraft


willywagtail said...

Hi. Not sure if ruffles over a big belly are good but maybe over the first few months they are ok. I really like the second tutorial but would use the bib one for a big bump/belly. Cherrie

Liz said...

I love the second one, but for a big bump I think I'd go for the third one or the fourth with vertical ruffles might work.

Theo said...

I agree, you probably want to concentrate your ruffles on top if you're trying to draw attention away from your belly. Maybe you could also try making this one which someone posted in a comment to the bib shirt.

Theo said...

Also, thanks for the links! I'd like to try some of these myself. Please post your results!

BopBop said...

Thanks all! I really appreciate the input and will definitely post the result!