Tuesday, April 05, 2011

My Doilies

My doilies collection is growing and growing.
At first, I was doing it in an offhanded way as I couldn't think of an occasion to wear such a beautiful skirt, but my parents will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in August, and obviously this is a good enough reason to start the project.
Here is what I plan on doing : I will first make a muslin of the skirt, baste the doilies and tie them up together with little crocheted flowers. It's a pretty good plan I think except, I don't really know how to crochet. I took it up briefly in December to make snowflakes, but really I have a lot of learning to do.
If you know of a good crochet related resource or have a better idea on how to do this, I am all ears. In the meantime, I'll try to find a Crocheting for Dummies book or something.


MooBear Designs said...

You could try sewing them all onto a plain skirt base either bought or made. Alternatively if you had a huge round table size doily you could use that to make a skirt too. I am not confident enough to suggest a crochet method hehehe...

xo Steph

Tish - GaMtnScrap said...

My most favorite place to learn anything new with crochet or knitting: http://cache.lionbrand.com/cgi-bin/faq-search.cgi?store=/stores/eyarn&learnToCrochet=1

Here's some others:

And then, of course, there's always YouTube.

Corina said...

I'm in awe of people who crochet. So many complicated stitches and rows and counting. Can you imagine keep all that in your head at once? Sorry I can't be of any help really but I wish you luck in finding what you need!

Spindlejigs said...

I love doilies, can't help you with crochteting either but it sounds beautiful.

BopBop said...

There are TONS of videos on youtube for crocheting. Also try crochet.about.com the info there has pictures and text to help you learn each step.
I know a few more if you need some feel free to contact me. :)
As to attaching them to the skirt. I would attach them to the pieces of the muslin then stitch the muslin together. you will probably need to hand sew them to the muslin weather you do it to the pieces, or to the finished muslin.

CarmencitaB said...

Thank you all, I'll post my progress as I chug along.