Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The new girl

Hi everyone, I'm new here. My name is Ellie, I live in England with my gorgeous fiance and our 2 babies. We're getting married in August so I'm trying to save money where I can and one massive way I can is to make everything we need out of stuff I'll surely already have in my massive overflowing craft room. I usually blog at Mammy Made. There are a couple of refashions on there already but I have big plans for many more. I hope it's ok to post these as I did them last year but first I turned this:

into this:

I also made a toddler dress out of an old materrnity top I had. I forgot to take a before pic, I was that excited to get it done lol, but it turned out like this:

Now to turn the rest of my evergrowing refashion pile into cute stuff :D

Thanks for letting me join, this blog is awesome!!


Unknown said...

Such nice refashions - I am looking forward to seeing more.

Editor on Duty

Adele said...

thanks hun :) x

Huli said...

welcome to the co-op! those are sweet dresses :) oh how fun it would have been to have a lil girl but alas i have two boys so i don't tend to refashion much for them apart from stuffed toy monsters :)

Adele said...

ive noticed there seems to be a lot more girly tutorials out there then there are boy ones, im quite lucky to have my two girls i think, if all else fails just make a cute skirt or dress hehe x