I did my English presentation today!!! For those who don't know, I was doing an English talk on refashioning with a short demonstration in class, and today I finally did it. It was rather awful :( I'm not the best at delivering talks, and I could feel my face getting redder and redder as i got further tangled in the autumn cape I was supposed to be making! The talk on whole was over twice the allotted time and by the end of it I was so hot and bothered I had to wait a minute to catch my breath! FAIL!!! Oh well, my class and my teacher were very supportive and asked lots of questions bless them , even though I know they were only pity questions, they still seemed interested in what I was saying and said they were inspired to try it themselves, so that was the main aim :)Oh well, in the mean time, here is an old lace tablecloth that I'm going to experiment with, maybe I'll try another satchel or a nice scarf....Roisin xx :P
I've been there! That's why I avoid having to talk in front of groups. I'm more a one on one person.
They were interested and asked questions...that cannot be a fail then! The lace looks intriging I look forward to seeing what you make with it.
Thank you for your kind words :) It wasn't a complete fail but I have yet to see what grade I got for it so I'm not off the hook yet! I did enjoy putting it together, even if the delivery was not as hoped, so that's the main thing :P Roisin x
You've done well and striven to share something you are proud of. Don't stop being proud of it. You never know that the little seed of refashioning was not planted in someone's head and will take fruit in a few years time. Cherrie
I've been in your shoes. My voice used to shake so much when I first started a talk that I devised a "trick". I start off with an emotional story so that my audience sees a reason for my voice to shake. By the time I'm done with the story I'm feeling a bit better about being in front of an audience and I'm doing better.
Now I don't do quite so badly but it took a few talks to get to that point. It's good that you had a sympathetic audience, that always helps :)
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