Sunday, October 23, 2011

Easy blue dress refashion

Hi all,

Sorry for being absent around these parts! I'm currently directing a show for my school's musical theater group (the first time I've directed a full-length show), which is amazing fun but also taking up basically all of my spare time. Especially as it opens in less than three weeks!

So here's a refashion that I did a few weeks ago, but hadn't gotten around to posting here. I started with a wrap dress I'd thrifted...really liked the pattern, fit, and color, but there was just too much of it!

Remedied by chopping the sleeves shorter and taking a good 9-10" off the hem. I refinished the ends of the sleeves, but haven't gotten around to actually hemming the bottom properly, since the fabric wasn't unraveling...and since it's now gone through the wash a couple of times with no incident, we'll see if I end up feeling the need to actually finish that raw edge.

More, as always, on my blog.


jessica said...

Lovely! What a great print, it fits you so nicely. By hacking off from the sleeves and hem, I actually think the dress looks like it fits so much better!

Refashion said...

The dress looks so much better now...the new fit shows off the print so well.