Sunday, October 23, 2011

Froken skicklig handmade living sock dolly :P

I recently discovered the handmade living magazine and have become hooked! In this months issue , there was a tutorial on how to make one of froken skickilig's gorgeous dolls and I saw and opportunity to get started on Christmas presents! I substituted the materials in the pattern for stuff I already had in the house, her skin is flesh coloured pop socks, her eyes are the spare buttons from a shirt, she is stuffed with the contents of an old pillow and the thread is dental floss ( heavier duty than normal thread). Her hair is cut from the scraps of felt left over from last year's Christmas decorations. Not really a refashion( unless you count the pop socks) but is re purposing. I can't wait until next week's issue so I can make her body and start building a little wardrobe for her :P

Rosie :)


.sabo skirt. said...

very cute! we love this so much!

Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!

Francesca Della Valle said...

Lovely blog!
Follow each other :) ?? i'll wait your answer on my blog!

Justine of SewCountryChick said...

So cute! I tried a Waldorf doll like this for my baby but my stupid dog chewed it up!

Little Dark Rose said...

Hi Francesca, I am a complete computer novice (which, being a teenager must be illegal) but I have attempted to follow your website on bloglovin. Please let me know if (and when) I have messed up so I can fix it. I'd love to follow your blog,Your photos and fashion sense are inspirational :P

Little Dark Rose said...

Thanks to eveyone for their lovely comments! Rosie x :)

Refashion said...

So sweet and such a clever re-use of materials.

mahaila said...

So sweet! She reminds me of my favourite childhood toy. It must be here eyes. It's a different spin on refashion. Love it! ...particularly the dental floss addition:) the dental floss pre loved too?

Little Dark Rose said...

Beleive it or not, the floss was actually part of the pattern!It could be used as an alternative to thick cottton thread, so I used it to be more..refashion..y :) (I also had no thick thread in the house at the time) :P