Since i am using my previous refashion so much i've done a similar one, but this time been a bit more advernturous with the embroidery. I started out with a baggy maternity top in a yuk colour. You can see i've already cut up the front .
I added the embroidery with my janome 12000. These designs arent that suitable for t-shirt material, but i wanted to play with the colours and loved this design. here it is after the embroidery was done.
I was thinking zip at the front, but it was too hard to get even as the fabric had too much stretch, so instead I used the coverstitcher to finish the front.
I think the front has stretched slightly at the front opening, but we can just treat this as a design feature, can't we!?
I now wear it a fair bit as its comfy over a t-shirt and has a splash of colour.
The embroidery is lovely! Nice job!
LaLaLauren, EOD
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