Friday, July 13, 2012

Sweater Pants

Here is a really cute sweater refashion that I just completed. My elderly neighbour gave me this hand knitted sweater a few years ago but the proportions were totally wrong and it was basically unwearable. I held onto it wondering what to do.  Until now.

Original sweater - ridiculously long arms and short wide body. Something went wrong!

Most adorable bubba pants ever, modelled by my 7 month old!

You can read more about the transformation on my blog



It is great when you have hung onto an item forever and finally a great idea comes to you for it's transformation. Very cute bubba pants.

Refashion said...

So cute Sharon! :)


Stacey said...

Sooooo incredibly cute!

Huli said...

those are fantastic! i would love some adult size ones haha