Friday, September 28, 2012

Turning a Bra into a Bikini Top

After finding a sensational sewing tutorial on pinterest by Tasha Delrae; how to turn a old bra into a bathing top, my excitement and curiosity got the better of me.

Following Tasha's picture tutorial, here is my version:

I had the perfect bra to choose for this project; an unworn bra that's been sitting in my drawer for about three years, in the hope that one day I'd find its missing strap.

In action




As with Tasha's bikini top, I also chose to go with a halter strap around my neck too.  It is not absolutely necessary, but I do find suits me better than strapless.

Also featured on my blog.


The Renegade Seamstress said...

What a great idea! This turned out so cute!

concretenprimroses said...

Very nice. I love the fabric you chose.
The only bad thing is I kept thinking of this when I was going through my bathing suits and sports bra's yesterday. Instead of getting rid of a suit that I hate how the top fits, Its not on my refashion with a bra list! (and I had to keep other rejects for the fabric.)
I can't get rid of anything.

Unknown said...

@concretenprimroses, I'm much the same, can't get rid of anything!