Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Baring Arms Dress

I got this short sleeve, blue ruffle dress new for a whopping $8 on clearance at Target to wear for Easter. I wore it on Easter, neglected to get a picture and wasn’t thrilled. The sleeves were just okay and didn’t quite feel like they fit quite right. There wasn’t anything wrong with the dress, just a little eh in the sleeves and possibly overwhelming in the ruffles.
This dress didn't need a lot. It was clear that sleeves weren't  a good look on me. After getting rid of them, I tackled the overbearing ruffle a was pleased withe final product.

More on what I did and how I wore this dress if on my blog.


Amy Kay said...

I have this SAME dress (different color) and I have them in my to do pile to do something with because the ruffles are CRAZY! great post!

Saga said...

I can't believe that it is the same dress, and that you changed so little to it. Awesome.

jennifer elliott said...

Wow! I think your refashion made the dress 10 times better! I love it!