I chopped it at the same length as the jeans makeover skirt...which is a favourite!
Then I made a ruffle from double width flower fabric. I folded it, ruffled the length of it and added the raw edge to the bottom. I made several small lengths of ruffle and put them in the tops of the pockets. 

After I got those finished, I painted the spidery daisies in colours to tie in with the ruffle. The centre of each has a small green flower button. The photo shows the daisy a bit more aqua than it actually is.

I really wouldn't have had to paint the flowers. But...I was on a painting flowers mode....
I also went on to update a black t-shirt to wear with this skirt.
It really didn't do anything for me. It made me look washed out. I had already cut a v in the neck, with the hopes that it would help to take away some of the black from my face. However, it didn't really work. But since it would go well with the khaki made over skirt, I decided to add a bit of ruffle from the flower print round the neckline.

The result is quite a bit more cheerful, and doesn't make me look like I got up off my death bed!

Looks Great!!! Would love to see it on you
Very nice! Both pieces are now 10x more interesting and fun.
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