Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I have been working hard to get to the bottom of the refashion-pile-of-clothes (It is great that people give me beautiful used clothes. But I then feel obligated to actually refashion them. I must learn to say no....)

Yet another pair of my beloved wool socks had holes in them. Heel and toe as always.
I had been reading about medieval sailors in my country, and there was a picture of "stunthoser" in the book. Light bulb moment. For those of you, that don't read medieval Danish, it is pretty much the same as yoga socks. 

I cut heels and toes of the socks, overlocked the edges and hemmed them with a stretch stitch on the sewing mashine.
The beauty of this design is, that you eliminate the weakest point of stockings/socks. And you will still have warm feet.

When I had used the rest of these to pieces of clothing, I was left with the part, I have circled in black,

I thought many complicated thoughts of what to do with it, but as so often before, K.I.S.S. is a good way to go. So I hemmed the raw edges, making it a little vest.

More refashions and creative projects at Saga i Farver