Thursday, November 06, 2014

Crazy Choir Girl Dress: REHASHED

Hi everyone! Sorry you haven't seen me for awhile... I get so busy with local markets that I forget to post! If you would like to follow me on Instagram, you might find that an easier way to keep up with me... Anyway this dress is one that I finished awhile back and just realized that I hadn't posted it here, hope you like it!

For details on this and other vintage refashions, check out my blog at Love Street Salvage


Melissa said...

Nice, I like this one :D

Kathy W. - One Brown Mom said...

This dress is SO FAB! I'm TOTALLY going to copy this idea!

jennifer elliott said...

Like it? I love it! You're so awesome!

Jennifer Elliott, EOD

SewSweetVIntage said...

I <3 your dress!!! Pinned

Love Street Salvage said...

Thanks everyone!!

Toronto Theatre said...

omg adorbs!