Sunday, February 26, 2017

#45 Back to School Wardrobe: Wind Pants to Summer Shorts

My self-challenge: Back to Elementary School Wardrobe started last August:
Goal #1: 10 Re-fashions each month beginning August when I returned to teaching. 
Goal #2: Shop from the closet. No new / used clothing for this school year.
Goal #3: Shop from the sewing stash for Re-fashion materials.

I have bought only 2 pieces of fabric for a Re-fashion and 4 pairs of winter tights.
Since I cannot shop, I am checking Winter lounge wear for items in need of mending or Re-Fashion.

BEFORE: Wind pants in the at home lounge-wear. These nylon pants were scratchy and very uncomfortable. But they had lots of wear left in them.  

  • Use a seam ripper to open seams in outer legs and waistband.
  • Fold up legs to meet hems at waist-band. Cut to length for shorts.
  • Cut new side inserts from the old leg bottoms. Insert, serge, topstitch in place.
  • Use old t-shirt to cut new waistband facings. Re-insert old elastic.

AFTER:  Paper-bag waist Shorts for summer gardening at the RanchHouse. 

Paper-bag waist shorts for summer gardening

Leg bottoms cut for new side inserts in shorts.

Old t-shirt cut to make facing
for new paperbag waist

Nylon wind pants legs were scratchy


whatthesew said...

I like your 'no new things' philosophy, we all have too much stuff, and it is satisfying to find new uses for old items.

RanchHouse said...

Thanks whatthesew. This is my first year in a new school. Before I set these goals I would have shopped to "fit in". Now I feel like I am sewing and dressing for me. I am amazed that I have gone 7 months without shopping and wearing what I already have.
I love having Refashionco-ops support.

I Can Work With That said...

I love your philosophy of no-shopping too. The T-shirt as the facing of the waist band is a great idea, those nylon pants are not very soft without a lining of some kind.
Very clever!

jenny_o said...

I also like your policy of no-new-things - your posts have been so inspiring. I don't buy new, but I buy more thrifted items than I really need to. You've given me lots of good ideas, now I need to get busy.

cfort82 said...

Great job. Good luck with your challenge.

Cindy - EOD
Upcycle Design Lab

dedejn said...

kami merupakan agen obat herbal terbesar, jika anda bertanya bagaimana cara mengobati wasir berdarah
obat uci uci di payudara alami
tanpa operasi? atau bagaimana cara menyembuhkan bisul pecah secara herbal alami tanpa efek samping?
atau anda ingin mengetahui cara mengobati sakit maag yang aman dan cepat sembuh?
kami lah solusinya, kami mengatasi semua keluhan sakit anda termasuk cara menghilangkan gatal di selangkangan