Hello Refashion Co-op. I am in the middle of a refashion binge of pink clothes. I had these 2 shirts that didn't work as shirts for me. I loved the patterned shirt so much, there is always a way to make things wearable right?
Here is why this shirt is not wearable. What is up with these flaps of fabric? Do they fly around when I walk around? Yes, yes they do. I can't live my life like this y'all.
I connected all the panels of flying fabric and then cut the top off the shirt. That gave me the blue knit lining and the pretty patterned outer layer.
I attached the layers to an elastic waistband and turned it in to cover the elastic.
(I think Saga showed this kind of waistband many months ago?)
This pink shirt is very long, and VERY full. It is too full cut and if I bend over or lean down is can drag on the ground. If you are wrestling with a toddler to get him into the doctor's office it can get pused up and reveal way too much. It just doesn't work for me.
I cut off the entire hem and made it into a straight shaped shirt.
Together these 2 shirts made a simple and comfortable outfit I was happy with.
Thanks for reading this post, for more pictures and details go to I Can Work With That.
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