Friday, June 15, 2018

In The Pink 3

Hello Refashion Co-op. I am still working on the pink clothes in my refashion pile. (There is a rack and a pile. I collect things from clothes swaps, wash them, and pile them up until I can get to them.)  The gray dress below needed a shirt under it because it was so low in front. I liked the dress but wearing 2 shirts in the heat is an awful idea. 
But I had a plan.

 I had the scraps from this pink tunic left over. I was going to use the hem and the triangle pieces from the sides.

I closed up the triangle with my machine and turned it finished side out. 

I pinned it to the gray dress and hand sewed it in place. I couldn't machine sew around the metal beading, I had to do it by hand.

I used my machine to attach the pink hem to the bottom of the gray dress. It added a bit of length and it also added a little weight so the skirt wouldn't be as likely to blow around in the breeze.

My dress was finished. It will be faster to get dressed in the morning since I don't have to find a second shirt to go with it. It will also be a little cooler without an extra layer too.

Thanks for reading this post, for more pictures and details go to I Can Work With That.

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