Thursday, June 25, 2020

How to Convert Jeans Into a Bandage Skirt

Bandage skirts are extremely feminine, most if not all  women look in them fabulous as they accent all pluses of woman's figure that's why  I decided to go level up and not only sew bandage skirt but also create one from jeans I trifted some time ago . 
I used shady grey jeans but I think you will receive great effect from all kind of stretchy fabric.
I wrote it in my video but I will repeate here because it's important note , it's  the best option and I recommend you to use stretchy fabric  but if you don't have one or you really  really like not elastic  material don't worry you can use it as well just you must add to it zipper , drats and waistband .

Whole process how to do it you can see on my channel sparrow refashion 
and more tutorial photos on my blog .


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I Can Work With That said...

Great idea. I like the color denim a lot. It makes it more casual and easy to wear.