Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sheet to sleepwear, part I

I need sleepwear and loungewear. Everything I own is old, stained, falling apart. Worn out by late nights with small children and all they can secrete. (Sorry if that was too much info!) I've done one nightgown already and decided to tackle another, using an old sheet my mother-in-law gave me. Not one of the antique ones, but an 80s one. The fabric wasn't bad, actually. One hundred percent cotton, in light blue with little dots and diamonds scattered across it and this pattern around one edge.

I also had an old stretched-out pink tank top to hand. So I decided to combine the two, much like the tee-shirt + fabric = dress projects you see on many blogs (including mine). It was very easy to do and I'll post a full account on my blog this weekend, but in the meantime, here's the result:

Sorry about the blurry picture - taken with an iPhone and late, by a sleepy husband

A word about the ruffle I added. I just found the fabric and colour combinations so very 80s and then while sewing, the news ran a piece on the royal wedding, complete with pictures from Charles and Diana's wedding back in the day. I saw all the ruffles on her dress and thought, a-ha! I want one of those on this! Et voilĂ  - a very 80s nightdress. 

A little ruffle close-up

Another plus - I have half a sheet leftover and half a tank top too. More than enough to make a tee and shorts PJs set. Watch out for a post on that soon and do check my blog in the next few days for more details on this one.


Refashion said...

Love the print on that sheet! Glad you found an alternative use for it..!


WoT Advert said...

This post is very informative and useful..
Sleepwear pics are awesome.
Thanks for sharing info