Monday, October 24, 2011


I don't know how I get myself into these messes, but I have agreed to do a talk in English about re purpose and refashioning! :0 It's due some time this week( i.e whenever my teacher decides to throw me to the hyenas that are my English class) I'm supposed to do a demonstration as well as talk about Eco living and it's all to be done in under 4 minutes! Please could you give me some ideas for a quick, easy refashion that will impress my class and my teacher so I can get an A and prove to them I'm not a loser (just coz I actually read our assignments, I don't get it :P) I thought about Ed Hardy style T-shirt cutting but it would be cool if I could do something that the whole class could be involved in and try too, so they will be inspired to refashion. Any feedback would be GREATLY appreciated :P Thank you !!! :) Róisín xx

Meanwhile, here's a little lavender mouse I made from pot pourri , fabric scraps and shoe laces( for her tail) the bow is from a pair of socks. Now she keeps my tights and socks smelling sweet :)


poet said...

Wow, this actually sounds like a fun thing to do!

T-shirt modification is good but messy (you have to cut it up, right?). I'd definitely go for a no-sew refashion. Things that come to mind are:

Men's shirt to skirt - by opening top few buttons and tying the sleeves around the waist

Oversized tee/ sweater to skirt - by folding the sleeves inside and turning them into pockets (this isn't entirely no-sew but you could demonstrate and explain the sewing part without actually doing it)

Oversized skirt to strapless dress - by tying a belt around the waist

I don't know if it's possible to get the class involved, they would have to bring refashionable stuff, right?

You could also just come to class dressed entirely in refashioned stuff (though this would require knowing when the presentation happens beforehand) and tell the story of each garment, showing before and after pics!

Little Dark Rose said...

That fantastic! Thank you so much! I'll have a look at whats in my stash, I might just be able to bribe my teacher into letting me choose the day if I give her a free shirt or something, which would give me more time, but I certainly have a good few ideas now. Thank you so much for responding so quickly and with such well thought ideas :)
I will let you know how it turns out :P Thank you! Róisín :D

Refashion said...

Umm..tee shirt to infinity scarf? Or tee shirt jewellery. I second Poet's idea of you wearing a refashioned outfit and even a refashioned bag too. It could be hard to get them all to do something in such a short time but you could give out a ideas/tips sheet including some websites? Look forward to hearing how you get on, good luck!


Little Dark Rose said...

I had thought about doing tips sheet and I think i'll give it a go :) We have to wear uniform at school so I don't know about wearing refashioned stuff, but I'll bring my things along and see what she says. Thank you for your imput, it's much appreciated! :)

Róisín :P

fluffnnonsense said...

Yay! how exciting!Im a teacher aide in textiles. This is pretty much what our students are studying at the moment. I think im more excited than the students!!! i wear upcycled stuff to work all the time. Tips on refashioning is a great idea! and maybe pics too in a short video presentation. A new dress a day is also a good one to see the before and afters too! good luck!! xx

Eileen Cox said...

Something you might consider is a simple t-shirt refashion, but for presentation in a classroom you might not be able to do the work in front of the class. I'd suggest having three or four t-shirts completed in stages so that you can do the oral presentation and then show each shirt at the appropriate time (stage 1 - shirt 1; stage 2 - shirt 2; etc.). Buy your shirts at the thrift store or collect used ones from friends to work with so you don't have to spend much! Good luck!