Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sweater Refashion

I got this 80's-ish sweater from a friend. I used to really like hunter green, and I kind of still do, but it hasn't been seen in stores since 1993. However, I decided to modernize it anyway. I cut off the sleeves, took it in on the sides, reattached the original sleeve ribbing to the new armhole, cut a new neck and made ribbing from the sleeves, and also made a little bow that you can barely see- it's by the neck. It's not very creative but it turned out well, and sometimes my refashions are the opposite. I do have something more creative, but I am having a hard time using blogger- when I insert photos, they put them in any old place in the post and screw up the layout, and then I can't move anything. So I will do two separate posts after wasting 20 minutes trying to put them in one.


Refashion said...

I like it - you have made somethign versatile and that could be a wardrobe staple.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant- and there are so many baggy old sweaters out there.