Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Old + Old = New

While I was searching through my closet for items for a clothing swap, I found two doubtful things. I still liked them, but was never wearing them because they were just not right. The skirt was too long for my slightly short legs and the all-grey dress was just a tad boring. So when my friend came with the story about people who customized old clothes into new ones for a year long, these items seemed to be the perfect ones to start with.

The skirt

The dress

I got rid of the top layer of the dress (I might use that for something else) so just the lining was left.

I replaced the top layer with the skirt and sewed it on in the same shape the original layer was attached.

And tadaa!

And then there was my brand new dress.

1 comment:

La La Lauren!!! said...

I like how you took 2 different things and put them together! nice!

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