Now that I seem to have my sewing mojo (sew-jo?) back, I decided to tackle some of my long-languishing projects. I honestly don't know why I know why I kept putting off this particular one. It took me all of 10 minutes, including the time spent taking pictures of my surprisingly cooperative model!
I started out with an adult's size small strapless hi-low hem shirt. When I grabbed it out of the bin at the thrift store, I new immediately that I would turn it into a summer dress for my toddler. Then I dropped it in my sewing room and forgot about it for months.
Tried it on for size. It was a little too big to use as-is. |
I have a small box that I keep adding bits of spare ribbon and lace to, because surely I'll use it some day, right?
It turns out that I had the perfect size and color of ribbon to use for straps!
I didn't accidentally stab her with a pin! |
After pinning and measuring, I realized that if the straps were short enough to look right, then the top hem of the shirt was uncomfortably high in her arm pits. So I folded the sides and back down and quickly sewed it down so that it would fit more comfortably.
It's going to be a perfect summer dress for her to wear next year. |
Hamming it up. |
I think she likes her new dress. |
Super cute dress and super cute model!
I love the refashion, but I think I love your little model more.
Jennifer, EOD
Too, too cute little model. I love those little feet. Oh yeah, the dress is very creative and cute, too.
Who couldn't love that face?! ...the dress is pretty nice too ;)
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