Monday, June 20, 2011

T-shirt + curtain = baby bonnet!

So a fun sort of refashion, but not for me.  This refashion actually took place in the ending gasps of May, but I did want to share.  My refashion stash is mostly t-shirts.  It just sort of worked out that way when I and the boyfriend did our last round of closet purging.  Mostly his I should specify.  So his baby niece was visiting the friday before Memorial Day weekend and Baby Mama happened to mention she did not have a bonnet for the little one at all the barbecues they were going to.  Well the wheels started turning in my head immediately and before they had even left I was going over how it would be super quick to find a tutorial and whip one up, right?

The only hiccup was that a bonnet needs some body to hold the shape and t-shirt knit has exactly none.  Enter some white cotton canvas-y curtains I had bought ages ago, couldn't return, and didn't plan to use.  Sandwiched between two pieces of t-shirt, there was body and softness for baby head.  Perfect!  Some cursing (due to knit finicky-ness) and artful use of ribbon to replace bias tape later I had this:

More details on my blog here including a link to the tutorial I used.

1 comment:

Refashion said...

This looks super cute Erin.