Thursday, September 28, 2017

Wonderful Vintage Fur

It's been a while again. How's everyone doing? I have been low on refashions, but I have this cool one I have been wanting to show you for a few weeks, but I just couldn't do it before. 

You see, when I was a baby, my father was working in Germany (we live in Portugal) and when he was back, he brought my mom, this amazing fur coat. She might have wore it once or twice though, and a few years ago she finally thought about getting rid of it. She wasn't wearing it at all, but it was one of those things we hold on to. 

She gave it to me as she does with all her unwanted clothes. I knew exactly what I wanted to do with it since the start, but I too was too sentimental to cut it apart, and I kept postponing it until a couple of weeks ago when I signed for a blog tour and one of the sponsors had this fur vest I could use. 

I signed and sighed... there's no going back, I had to cut it. And I did, and it became a new vest for my daughter. I used only the sleeves, and kept the rest, it will make a wonderful vest for me and it's life will be extended for many years - hopefully.

Here's my daughter wearing hers. You can read more about it HERE


Therese said...

Looks lovely, great Idea!

Magda said...

Thanks Therese.