Hi, long time no see :) It's been ages since I've had time to refashion but with prelims over, I shut myself in my room today and got around to doing a project I've been dreaming up over the past torturous no sew month. We were over at my home from home, Ireland just before Christmas to do some shopping in Belfast and paid a visit to Avoca, one of my FAVOURITE shops. They do these really cute hot water bottles with gorgeous lace trim which gave me the idea to do vintage velvet shorts (trimmed with lace of course). My friend Merrick has asked me to make her a pair of shorts from vintage square scarves so I took the oppertunity to try out the pattern I printed from Burdastyle, the tonia shorts. I used a pair of velvet trousers I got from marie curie at £4.They looked really good and I was very pround of how neat they had turned out when half way through, I tried them on. They were closer to a size 20 than a size 12 (uk sizes) I was very disapointed but I'll have a go at taking them in, if not , anyone looking for a pair of size 16/18 Uk shorts. give me a call :P P.S. does anyone else have trouble with Burdastyle sizes? this is the third time i've used them and the sizes are always way out:( Bhliain nua sásta!! :P
After (please excuse the awful photo)

Roisin xx
Sorry the sizing was all off. :( It looks like a great idea though. Better luck next time! -Seeks, EOD
Love the concept of this pants-to-shorts refashion. Can't wait to see what you do next! :) XOXO
I'm going to get this right this time! I keep writing rubbish posts that make no sense - serves me right for posting after 11pm.
I've found the sizing to be a bit off on Burdastyle, but never that much!
Check the Burda size chart http://www.burdastyle.com/statics/size-chart because they use a mixture of 'Burda size' (32, 34, 36 etc.) and US (6, 8, 10 etc.) sizes. US sizes are two lower than UK sizes ie a US 12 is a UK 14 so that could account for your sizing issues? Often it's better to check the size chart for a pattern rather than rely on the stated size.
Also, if you add a little too much seam allowance (or any at all if seam allowance is included) then your sizing will be off because of that. I do it all the time on patterns with no seam allowance 'just to be on the safe side' and it just causes problems later on.
Your shorts look lovely though, and well made too. It's horrible when you spend a lot of time making something that doesn't fit :(
Thanks! I'll put those tips to good use next time I try burdastyle I think I probably read it wrong but it's good to know I'm no the only one whos had problems with it :P
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