Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The Butter Cream Frosted Top Refashion

So named because it reminds me of a butter cream frosted cupcake -

This tank started out as a plain pink thrifted top - you can hop on over to my blog to see a full how-to for this refashion.


La La Lauren!!! said...

MMMMMM cupcakes. I love this top!

Editor on Duty-Wednesday

Sew Her Style said...

very cute! it reminds me of a Ann Taylor shirt I have

Agy said...

I love cupcakes and LOVE your refashioned top!!!

Refashion said...

This is beautiful!! Love it

Who doesn't love cupcakes?!

Erica, Editor on Duty

dater36912 said...

A perfect comparison. I love yellow and this is beautiful.