Saturday, March 10, 2012

Reversible Vest #2

View of one side of the fabric...
...and view of other side of the fabric
This time I worked on a vest where all the fabric scraps I used were reversible.

To make this work, I learned how to sew flat felled seams from a easy-to-follow tutorial here

Back with fabric pieced...looks good?
...and inside view

The scrap I had for the back was so small, it had to be pieced.

Same with the collar - that was in 3 tiny pieces I stitched together!
(I think it's okay)

I used bias tape to finish off all the edges - making my own continuous strip of bias tape from an 18" square of fabric - based on a tutorial I found here
my hand-made bias tape finishing!

See Project Minima for more stuff!

1 comment:

Refashion said...

Thank you for sharing - the vest looks very good.