Thursday, August 25, 2011

Second chances

So, y'know this wonderful wrap that was my very first Refashion Co-op post? An interesting dilemma in which I find myself requires a bit of input – if you don’t mind.

If you have the time.

If you have nothing better to do.

I bought MY too-large, on sale M&S sweater for the project at the link above at the start of the year when shopping with Aunties M. and B.. They picked up very brightly colored clothes for a friend of theirs in Germany. Their friend passed away suddenly before they could go on their planned visit so they gave all the clothes bought that day for her to charity – except this sweater, which I had not noticed in the large pile of things they had bought for their dear friend.

The stories they have told me about her! Aunties B. and M. bought her some silk pyjamas in Hong Kong and this lady wore them to the opera one evening with ropes of pearls.

The sweater destined for her has found its way to me. I am sort of a UK 18 (being a USA 14) but this is STILL huge. Maybe it is the style of the garment. I don’t know. I love the wrap I made my original into; I sort of knew right when I picked it off the sale rail what I wanted to do with it. Now that I have the very same one, yet several sizes smaller and thus a bit less fabric to play with, I am stumped.

Any thoughts? I could just take it in to make it actually fit me, but perhaps there is something else I could do. I would like to keep the sleeves this time 'round. Got a good link or idea for me today?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

No words of wisdom of what to do with your sweater, I'd be interested to hear what others might suggest, but I did want to say what a lovely, yet sad story. Going to the opera in silk pyjamas and pearls - what a wonderful character she must have been :)

Erica, Editor on Duty