Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Pink ruffled tank top

Hey everyone! Here is a refashion I did using a pink tank top, a pink t-shirt (both which I never wear!) and some leftover fabric. If you don't know (or haven't figured it out yet) I am a girly girl. I love pink, ruffles, lace, shiny objects, etc. This refashion I would definitely call girly. ;)

I forgot to take a picture of the tank top but I did remember the t-shirt.

I sliced and diced it (with only the bottom hem and the sleeves leftover-which I will figure out to use). Same with the pink ribbed knit fabric I had in my stash. I used beads (also in my stash) to hide the top stitches of the ruffles.

The end product...

What I love about this refashion (not just the ruffles and beads) is I can pair it with a cardigan and wear it to work. I completely want to make more of them b/c I love it that much!!! :)

For more information see my blog.

Until next refashion.... xoxoxo,



Corina said...

That's adorable. You always come up with the cutest stuff.

Sew Her Style said...

How creative!

Refashion said...

This is so pretty Lauren!

Refashion said...

Opps, that last comment was Erica - Editor on Duty!

Eileen Cox said...

OOO, I like this - you're doing pretty well if you can handle all those knit ruffles like that!

dater36912 said...

I love ruffles! I just finished a few purses of my own design (sadly not a refashion) with ruffles on the front. I am too busty to wear them on a shirt, but they are so cute!