Thursday, September 26, 2013

Plaid Shirt Refit

The first challenge of Refashion Runway was so much fun, and I was so inspired by all the plaid outfits! (Voting is open until Friday, September 27 - don't miss your chance!) In fact, now that I'm conscious of this trend, I've been noticing more and more people wearing plaid in my day-to-day. So I decided to do another quick plaid remake from another one of my husband's never-worn shirts. When I first pulled this guy out, I hated it. It was the ugliest plaid I'd ever seen. Then, when I opened up my sewing closet a couple days later and saw it hanging there, it had magically grown on me. I'm not sure how this happened, but seemingly out of nowhere, I really liked it! Weird, huh?

Plaid Shirt RefitPlaid Shirt Refit

So I remove the pocket and sleeves, leaving the yoke intact. I cut my new silhouette and seamed my sides. I cut my new sleeves from the old sleeves, keeping the cuff and making them 3/4 length instead. And I made the pocket smaller and reattached it.

Plaid Shirt Refit

I also moved two of the cuff buttons to keep the sleeve slits from gaping. And I put a few little pleats at the top of each sleeve to absorb some extra fabric, and to give a bit of a feminine touch.

Plaid Shirt RefitPlaid Shirt Refit

Can't get enough? You can find more at CarissaKnits.


irinka said...

WOW!!! great refashion

IWOM said...

So, do you actually sleep or do you have some sort of trick to squeezing in so many refashions these days?!?



Carissa said...

I've been told I have an obsessive personality. Also, no kids. They're a total time suck. :)

Ellinor Forje said...

Nice. Love the colours in the check. Simple and comfortable look. Thanks for posting and feel free to drop by me too anytime.

jennifer elliott said...

I'm in the process of refashioning one of my husband's old plaid shirts too! I love your refashion -- gives me some inspiration. Thanks so much!

IWOM said...

Mystery solved!

IWOM (CF and proud!)

Amy Jo said...

Great job. I think the shirt grew on me too as I saw the refashion unfold!
Amy Jo

Unknown said...

I love seeing what you do with the old shirts! Very creative.

- Elizabeth
aka The Hungry Octopus

Unknown said...

It looks very "you"! I like this a lot! I love plaid tho.... :P